Don’t get me wrong, I’m really digging this motherhood gig and loving every second I spend with the fam but a little respite from nursery rhymes would be a good break, don’t you think? It’s been afternoon play dates and kiddie parties for me for some time and I’m sort of missing the night life.  My previous job would often take me to grand product launch events with unlimited booze, a staple when working for the biggest beer manufacturer in the Philippines.

Last Saturday, Dear Hubby and I got invited to his client’s product launch party.  Can you believe that?  I’m going to a partaaayy! *happy dance* 🙂  We took our dear family friend, Anna Mae, who was game enough to join us despite having arrived from an out of town trip that evening. Oh the energy of the youth!

Prepping for this party felt like going back on the dating scene after being single for a long time.  What shall I wear?  Do I have the shoes to match it? Which lipstick shade is perfect?  What about the blings?  Shoot, my nails are too short for a manicure! Aahh, I miss these girly problems!

I giddily rummaged through my closet to look for one of my prized possessions.  And there it is, underneath my school-friendly mommy clothes is my little black tube blouse! This little piece of clothing my friend gave me when we were still in Manila, and the very same one which I never got to wear since we moved to Jakarta two years ago is finally going to party.  I also took out my chandelier earrings which I have worn only once, and my Steve Madden killer heels which all of a sudden felt uncomfortable. I must’ve been wearing my Chuck Taylors and Crocs for far too long.  And of course, my most favorite part of any party prep: THE MAKE-UP.  I remember Dear Hubby’s funny reaction a long time ago when he learned that there are about a hundred shades of lipsticks for us to choose from.  He thought that it was just “red” and “pink” not knowing that RED could mean Russian red, brick red, rogue, ruby, crimson, etc. and PINK could be cotton candy, bubblegum, orchid, carnation and so on.  See baby, I don’t need to be an artist like you to know the color palette.

We had a blast at the party, never mind if I had to be assisted like an invalid at some point to prevent me from toppling over in my high heels. Darn, the Chucks would’ve been the better choice!  Judging from the other events and the bars I’ve been to in Jakarta so far, I must say that the Indonesians know how to party.  This one was no different, it was fun as usual. The SILENT DISCOwhich I just learned is very popular in Europe and the US was a novelty for me!

Here are some of the photos from the event.

The venue (Plaza Barat Senayan) is an open field but they built a dome so the party would have both outdoor and indoor areas.

Data base gathering

The DJ’s booth

Checking out the SILENT DISCO

“Silent disco has become a common name for a disco where people dance to music listened to on wireless headphones.  Rather than using a speaker system, music is broadcast via an FM-transmitter with the signal being picked up by wireless headphone receivers worn by the participants…” – Wikipedia

The touch-screen wall that showed our photo (taken earlier at the photo booth) after we “blast” those green balls.

Their version of ICED DRINK

Cheers to a balanced family and social life!!!